St. Anne's Episcopal School France 2023

June 6, 2023
Today we had a nice breakfast at the people Paris Marais, and then we went on a full day walking tour starting walking along the Sienna river, went to Musée D’orsay, we had lunch at Garden de Tuleries, we then headed for ice cream and crepes, we saw Notre Dame Cathedral under reconstruction and learned about how much time and material its going to take to repair. We then walked around Ile de la cité and Ile St Louis and through Marche aux flour before going to Pyramide Louvre. We went to hotel to rest for a while, and to dinner we went. During the Musée D’orsay visit we were able to do a scavenger hunt and tried to finish as many as them as possible before the time was up and we had to leave. There were more than 5 floors so this scavenger hunt was a challenge for all the students. They split into teams of 4 and of they went to try to find as many art pieces as possible. This scavenger hunt was really fun as we were all able to both explore the Musée D’orsay and we were able to admire the art pieces as we went along. We walked to lunch after the Musée D’orsay, and ate some great food while talking to an American-French exchange student and talking to her about her life in Paris. After lunch, we headed and got some ice cream and crepes at a small cafe. Then, we headed to the St. Chapelle, but it was unfortunately closed due to protests. We had to improvise, so we walked around and looked at the city more, walking past the Notre Dame and seeing the city. We went back for a short rest, then went to dinner at an African restaurant.
-Leo G., Aiden L., and Lottie L.
June 7, 2023
Today was our second day in Paris! We began our morning with a nice breakfast at our hostel. Then we took the metro to the Catacombs to explore. There were so many bones and skulls, and it was kind of creepy. After our exploration, we headed to Marché aux Enfants Rouges to get some lunch for our picnic in Place des Vosges.
We then went to the Sacre Coeur (the Sacred Heart Church). We explored the artist filled village-esque surroundings of Montmartre, which included bakeries, ice cream shops, and souvenir shops. Throughout the whole day, we rode the metro which was tough sometimes but fun at other times. We saw the Centre Pompidou, and Notre Dame from a new angle as well.
Then we headed back to our hostel for a short rest and refresh before heading out again for a delicious French dinner at La Chaumière on Ile St. Louis. From truffle pasta to escargot, French Onion Soup to Croque Monsieur and Creme Brûlée for dessert, there were so many delicious French dishes to discover.
We then strolled back to our upscale hostel along the Seine by night, held a reflection circle about what we appreciated about the day and reviewed tomorrow’s final day in Paris schedule, exciting!
Parker & Camille
June 8, 2023
Today was a busy day! First, we went to the top of the Eiffel Tower. Climbing the stairs was a challenge, but once at the top the view was worth it. It was an amazing experience and we got a scoop an ice cream for our hard work. After the Eiffel Tower, we stopped at a park with a beautiful giant water fountain and enjoyed some sandwiches.
Next, we headed off to our cooking class! Once there, we got into four groups and started cooking. Each group made two dishes and presented them to everyone. Once everyone was done with their presentations, we enjoyed a big feast. The food was amazing! We got to vote for the best dish and sadly, our group did not win. After our cooking challenge, we headed off to another park, Jardins de Palais Royale. There, we ran over some scenarios of what could happen when we are with our host families. These skits allowed us to practice some new French vocabulary and problem solving skills.
After our adventures at the park we made our way to dinner at an amazing Moroccan restraunt. It was a family run restaurant where the Grandmother, Mother, and Daughter were the servers and cooks. We all ate couscous with chicken, beef or a moroccan spicy sausage called merguez. It was delicious!
After dinner, we walked to the Seine where we took a boat and saw many major French monuments such as, Notre Dame, Musee d’Orsay, the Eiffel Tower, and we even got a taste of some French culture by people watching. Sadly we missed the Eiffel Tower light show, but we enjoyed the beautiful sunset. After the boat ride we took a nice stroll back to the hostel where we had our nightly meeting, headed up for bed, and packed for our journey to Carcassonne.
– Annabel & Tillie
June 9th-10th, 2023
Today was a super fun day. To start the day we were given a chance to sleep in. Then we walked to a boulangerie nearby with our host dad. We got some freshly made croissants and hot chocolate. On our stroll back we stopped by the canal to learn how the boats can move up and down the canal with a large ledge changing the height of each level. When we got back to the house after our short walk we were greeted by our host mom with cups of O.J. We drank the O.J. while playing a couple of quick games of chess. After our chess matches we went up to our room to read for a couple of minutes before we left to a picnic with two other families. After our picnic we took a two hour hike through the mountains. We came back to our cars hot and sweaty so our host families kindly took us to the Carcassonne castle and we got some delicious ice cream with a macaroon to top it off. After exploring the town some more we all said our goodbyes and headed back to our own houses for the night. We used that time to pack our bags and squeeze in as much time as we could with our host family before leaving in the morning!
-Tillie and Camille
Today we spent with our host families. Zoe and I were both exhausted so we slept until 10AM! Then, after toast with Nutella for breakfast, we met up with two other families who were hosting our friends. We walked to a bridge where we played football and ate lunch. Lunch was delicious, as always. Then we drove a hiking trail where we went on a 2 hour trek up a mountain. It was beautiful! On the way there were pieces of art and sculptures. From the top you could see vineyards, fields of flowers, and other mountains. We were all very hot from the hie, so we visited the castle and got ice cream before exploring some more. We visited shops around the castle that sold candy, pastries, lavender, soap, and all kinds of souvenirs. Then we headed back home to eat dinner (and cheese).
Today we slept in and I woke up around 10AM. We had Nutella on toast for breakfast and after that we got ready to go. We went to a picnic spot and ate lunch with two other families then went to a different spot with the other families. We all hiked for a while and saw sculptures in the wilderness. The views were beautiful but it was very hot out. After the hike we went to the castle and walked around. I had chocolate ice cream that was very good. When we finished walking around we went back to our host house.
The first day we were in Carcassonne we met our families, had food, and when we got home we played a board game called Skyjo which was a really fun game. The second day, Saturday, we went to a trail which we were supposed to do work but it was too muddy and we couldn’t do the planned projects. We went to the ocean later that day and had a blast. Today we went on a bike ride after sleeping in until noon! Later we went to the castle in Carcassonne and met Own, Jackson, Parker, Zoe, Camille, and Tillie.
During our time in Carcassonne, we have done many activities such as going to the beach, swimming in the pool, going for bike rides, playing board games, and eating delicious French food. Staying with another family from another country was a very unique experience that I very much enjoyed.
My time in Carcassonne has been amazing. We went to the beach at the Mediterranean Sea. We played new board games such as Skyjo and Chronmino. I went on a bike ride this morning through the town. We also visited the castle in Carcassonne and went shopping. Overall my time here has been pretty great and I’d definitely come back again if I could!
My host family was very welcoming and so nice. I loved the whole family. I could not have gotten a better household. I liked having to talk to them in French and playing games with them. I would love to do another homestay because of the experience I had with them. I also loved the immersion I experienced with them. I could not have gotten a better family to stay with in Carcassonne!
I had a great experience with my host family. They were very welcoming and kind. Everybody at the house tried to speak some English while we tried to speak some French. We each had our own rooms, the food was great, the pool was amazing, and we learned a new game. Their daughter was visiting with her husband and son. The young son was very cute and loved interviewing us. Overall the experience here in Carcassonne was great.
The first night we arrived in Carcassonne it was pouring rain but the mood quickly changed when we arrived at our host family’s house. We were greeted by warm pasta bolognese and welcoming smiles from the family. After dinner we had some ice cream and headed off to bed. The next morning we awoke to a feast. So many different choices of food! Then on our way out we were surprised with an incredible packed lunch with so much food it could have lasted us days! That night they made my favorite food, nachos, and then strawberries dipped in sugar for dessert. After an amazing dinner me, Liz, and Lucie sat on the couch and did karaoke for hours. It was the best day ever. Today, we went swimming in their pool and ate a potato casserole for lunch. Then we headed off to go explore a castle from the Middle Ages. Once the tour was done and our heads were full of knowledge about the past, we got ice cream and headed to a haunted. Although the haunted house was very scary, I feel like me, Liz, and Lucie bonded. Tonight for dinner we are having crepes galore! This host family has been more welcoming than anything I had imagined! From our late night ice cream parties to teaching each other how to say different words in French and English, to karaoke, to morning swims, to playing piano for each other, this family will always have a special place in my heart! Along with their parrot and two dogs.
We had the pleasure of visiting Carcassonne which is bursting with character, history, along with some of the kindest people I have ever met. When we arrived in Carcassonne it was pouring rain, however the sun quickly reappeared and revealed the beautiful scenery of rolling hills, blue skies, and fields of lavender surrounding the charming countryside. Our host family was very welcoming and we quickly felt like part of the family. We spent our first evening together getting to know one another as well as exchanging cultures, traditions, and memories all in a mix on French and English. That night we enjoyed a hearty dinner of pasta bolognese and ice cream for dessert! The next day our class went on our service trip. We played lots of volleyball, went hiking and picked up over 100 pieces of trash! Once we got home we enjoyed playing in the pool, eating nachos, playing with Pepita the parrot and our two dogs. Then after dinner Lucie (16), Annabel, and I sang karaoke at the top of our lungs to a variety of American and French songs. On our third day in Carcassonne with our host family, we enjoyed sleeping in before having breakfast at a leisurely pace. We then went swimming once again and went into the town of Carcassonne to explore the medieval castle. We also got to grab some ice cream before visiting a haunted house! This was such a fun experience and I felt so blessed to have been able to travel to Carcassonne. Being immersed in French culture and language has enhanced my understanding and French vocabulary immensely! Though I will be very sad to leave, I hope I can maintain my connections to my host family in Carcassonne.
Today in Carcassonne we started our day with sleeping in until 10AM. We woke up and had a relaxing day. We swam in our host family’s pool which was a little cold but was immensely fun. Then we walked through the city of Carcassonne, got drinks, and bought souvenirs. Afterwards, we walked through a centuries-old cathedral. We came home and ate a wonderful dinner with ice cream for dessert. And after the food we played a competitive game of Uno, ending in laughter! In the end, today was a relaxing and fun day.
Today we went to Carcassonne and it was really incredible. I spent lots of euros at the apothecary to buy little homemade bottles of herbs and magic. We woke up late and and swam before heading to the city. We played Uno with our host family and ate a huge delicious breakfast and lunch with tons of cheese and jam. We tried (and failed) to wash our clothes in our sink, and danced to music while cleaning. We marveled at the beautiful intricacy of the glass windows in the Carcassonne cathedral, and finally, returned home for a delicious dinner and more Uno.
On our visit to Carcassonne we visited the shops inside the castle, we visited the cathedral, and walked around the streets. In the shops, we were able to buy souvenirs for ourselves. In the cathedral we were able to see century-old statues, art, and literature. While walking around the cathedral, the stained-glass windows caught our attention because of how pretty it was. While walking around the city, we saw many interesting buildings and beautiful scenery. When we got back home we ate dinner which was really good. Before and after, we decided to play cards. After dinner we all played Uno and our host mom was really good at the game. Today we were able to rest and explore Carcassonne which was really fun.
June 12, 2023
We met at the lycée parking lot to say goodbye to our host families and take a bus to Toulouse. Since it was raining, we had to cancel the bike tour of Carcassonne. We arrived too early to check into the hotel, so we stored our luggage to explore La Ville Rose. First shopping—macarons, snacks, and “Burger Smash,” then we visited the Basilique St. Séverin, the oldest building in Toulouse. When we entered the basilica, the organist was playing! After a little rest at the hotel, we got ready for our final reflection circle, riddle hunt, and farewell dinner. We clean up very nicely! For the final reflection we did “remember when…,” “dreamsicle, popsicle, poopsicle,” and “I’m thankful for…” popcorn style around the circle until everyone shared their favorite memories. Next we went on a riddle hunt near the hotel in 3 groups, solving riddles in French, finding “mots clés,” and using our French to interview different people. We walked to the farewell dinner at Bistrot de l’Étoile where we ate a 3-course meal with some “scary” French menu items like “fromage de tête,” “escargot,” “steak tartare,” and “langue de boeuf.” Gigantic waffles, crème brûlée, profiteroles, and poire belle Hélène followed. I am thankful to have been a part of an experience that created a spark for travel, curiosity, ecology, and history. I’m honored to have witnessed the incredible growth in my students in such a short amount of time. Thank you, Chris and Jorge for leading us on this amazing adventure! Merci et à la prochaine!
By Erin M.