Mastery Charter School Puerto Rico 2019

November 4, 2019
Today we all said goodbye to our family’s to go on an adventure in Puerto Rico. A lot of us got in the metal flying thing for the first time or for the first time in a while. Excitement and nervousness are our main feelings. Everyone is impatient to experience and explore the island! Our home for the next week was what we really wanted to see. The house is a cute, tall, yellow building. We admired its uniqueness among the other houses. As I waited for my room, I was anticipating a specific one. When we saw our rooms, there were bunk beds squished together. The rooms were not disappointing! We adorn our beds with sheets. As soon as we heard we could go to the beach, we went to get our swimsuits very happy and excited. After bickering with ourselves whether or not to get into the water, we head to the beach. After having a photo shoot some of us relaxed in the ocean. The place was gorgeous. It looked like paradise. Just gorgeous. The ones who didn’t get wet in the ocean got wet from the rain. Out of no where huge rain clouds covered us and we walked home for dinner in the pouring rain. For dinner we had chicken in Alfredo sauce, rice & vegetables, a bean casserole and fruit and cookies for dessert. After dinner we finished orientation. Cool names and awesome handshakes were born this night. We can’t wait for tomorrow!
By Stephanie & Ms. Williams
November 5, 2019
Today we went to explore the history and culture of Puerto Rico. It was so hot but we made it! We saw a big and amazing fort called El Morro, located in historic San Juan. Later, we ate a delicious traditional, tasty, lunch. We were feeling tired after a long day but kept smiling. It was so hot and sunny, some people already got a tan! After Old San Juan, we went to Villa Del Río to meet the people whose house we were going help fix. We learned a lot about the projects and the community. We are excited to help!
By Jasmine & Marilyn
November 6, 2020
Today we woke up and got on the bus with our work clothes. We got to villa del rio and we talked to William, ángel and other members of the community. William taught us step by step how to make cement. First goes the rocks then water then dirt and then cement. We got into the assembly line and passed buckets filled with cement up to the roof. We all worked as a team. It was hard to work in the heat but we finished all together! Then we had a few breaks in which we were treated like family. The owners of the house we were working on spoiled us with empanadas, cookies and other snacks! The community was very grateful for what we did for them, but we were more than grateful because they made us feel like home and even shared their stories with us. Over all our experience was awesome we got to meet wonderful people and got to help make a little bit of a difference in their lives. This is something we will have in our hearts forever. We are more open minded about things. We are so thankful for this experience and are looking forward to helping others in the future. I love you Puerto Rico!!!
-By Brianna D and Clarissa
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