Cayman International School Costa Rica 2018

May 22, 2018
Grupo #1
We all started the day at 8:30am in Cayman airport, saying goodbye to parents and meeting up with friends and teachers. We all waited in the airport for 2 hours, some socializing with friends and others playing UNO. Upon arrival, we loaded up the bus and got to experience the beautiful scenery of Costa Rica’s hills. We had a late lunch which included rice, plantains, potatoes, salad, etc. Then, back on the bus, we drove through towns, hills, and bridges. However, I won’t say the best part of the ride was the scenery. At least for me, it was bonding with the teachers through music and game. When we got to the lodge, we got our rooms and roommates. The lodge isn’t only comfortable and pretty, but the food is very good. Overall it was a very good day, and a great start to the rest of our trip!
Pura vida!
-Zoe S.
Grupo #3
We arrived yesterday through taking a relaxing around 1-and-a-half-hour flight. We than drove on a bus for around an hour before stopping and having some very good lunch. After everyone had eaten and was rested we drove for another two hours to the first hotel which is where we would have dinner. We played a game of high school trivia and then ate dinner. After dinner was over we were briefed on how to act and behave and the rules on internet and phones. We than took a thirty-minute bus ride to our hotel and were than briefed on our own certain rules and boundaries. We were than given till 10:30 to get ready and checked in.
Pura vida!
-Ali H.
May 23, 2018
Grupo #1
We had to be ready for the bus at 5:50am. The bus ride lasted for 3 hours. The time was generally passed by conversation, games and LOTS of sleep. We ate breakfast and then got ready for rafting. The rafting was fun and beautiful. There were so many trees, some canyons and a couple of gorgeous waterfalls. Rafting took up a total of 4 hours, and every part was amazing. That being said, one person did fall off (all was well, though). The 3 hour bus ride back passed in a similar manner to the first one. However, there were some “Repeat after me” songs that made the time pass faster. Overall, the entire day was fantastic, and it is only a start to what is sure to be an amazing trip!
Pura vida!
-Maia T.
Grupo #2
Yesterday was the first day Costa Rica. Arriving at the airport and making our way to Heliconia’s Loge was easy and fun. The Global Works staff warmly greeted our group and introduced us to the country. On May 23, the first full day in Costa Rica, we traveled to El Futuro to help paint the Plaza de Toros and paint games for the school children. Painting the Plaza de Toros was a satisfying activity as we were able to see that our work made a more vibrant center for the community. Painting games for the school children allowed our group to interact with some of the youngest community members and learn about Costa Rican culture. Singing, dancing, and speaking with the children brought smiles to our faces and encouraged us to keep working hard for the community Overall, it has been a very fun first two days.
Grupo #3
We woke up today to Howler monkeys at 5a.m. in the morning. We then got breakfast and was briefed about the service that we would be doing at the La Lucha school. We drove for 30 minutes to the school and began to work painting a classroom or sanding and re-staining desks for the classroom. The younger children then gave some of us an impromptu dance lesson in salsa, which was very entertaining to watch. For lunch they had some of the most amazing fried fish with white rice and beans with salad and some of the sweetest pineapples and watermelons I have ever had. In the evening monkeys decided to visit at the back of the school. The group then came back home in the evening to the lodge to relax and have dinner. Overall it has been such a great experience, especially seeing monkeys for the first time.
Pura vida!
-Nathan M.
May 24, 2018
Grupo #1
Costa Rica is so indescribably beautiful and contains so much culture and diversity. The people of Costa Rica are really sweet and friendly. When my group first arrived at the school, the kids circled around us with curisosity and happiness on their faces. It was absolutely touching how excited and appreciative they were of us. Many kids were encouraged to speak a little English and Spanish with the group. Today Group #1 and I worked hard together as a team and implemented fun into our work with music (Spanish music only)! I feel that this service trip has brought us closer together and hopefully will make us even closer in the next one. I have been on every single trip provided by my grade and every year they get even better. All in all, this was my first time visiting Costa Rica and I don’t think I ever want to leave. Thank you CIS, and thank you Global Works for the amazing trip!
Pura vida!
-Alia S.
Grupo #2
Despite the long drive, today was well spent at one of the best rivers in the world. The view was spectacular. There was so much green in different shades. The air was so fresh that even sitting down on the rocks was such a treat. Our raft guide was amazing. He made us laugh and tried tricks on the raft. He pointed out some majestic Costa Rican animals, such as a sloth hanging on a tree and a toucan flying by. We felt as if we were in a Jurassica Park movie. The bus ride to and from the river was very long, but it was beautiful to see the rural side of Costa Rica. On the way to the river, we saw the Arenal Volcano, the clouds that surrounded it were all white and it all looked unreal. All smiles, from the CIS group
-Tahiti S. and Dejea L.
Grupo #3
Rain, rain go away please don’t come back til next May! Today was an action packed day full of adventures and risk-taking. We began by visiting a farm and became cow-milking experts, along with trying various fruits. We then made our way in to zip-ling, a series of seven high, and terrifying, zip-lines. As you were speeding above the jungle, you got a magical of the lake and volcano. It was all fun and games until it started pouring while on the zip-lines. We ended the day by getting ice-cream and exploring a local town. We’re all ending the night excited to raft tomorrow.
May 25, 2018
Grupo #1
This morning we woke up and we were all tired out. We had no energy and were sore from the previous work day. However, we all loaded up and we went anyway. When we got there you could automatically see our energy levels boost as we all felt so motivated to work with the community in El Futuro. We worked hard painting and digging holes in order to build a fence. We got to learn about a tradition of Costa Rica, played soccer, had some laughs and ate a delicious lunch and drank amazing juice. Even though it was hot and tiring, our group joined together to help out and really make a difference. We all got to practice our Spanish, and grew closer bonds toward one another. People were getting to know people we didn’t know well before. At the end of the day, all of our hearts were warmed by the fact that the community members were so grateful for us helping. We learned from them in many ways. They are happy with what they have and don’t ask for more which is so inspiring to see. At the end of the day, we shared our words about our experience so far. Words came up like passionate, amazing, eye-opening, beautiful and more. We are all making the most of this amazing opportunity and we are looking forward to what’s to come tomorrow. Thank you to all of the CIS chaperones and to Global Works for giving us the opportunity to give something back, and help people in a way that’s making a difference.
Pura vida!
Emma O.
Grupo #2
Today my group went to the La Lucha community. The children at the school were welcoming and energetic. Our first task was to sand down tables so that they could be varnished over. The children were eager to help us, even though they could get their uniforms messed up. After sanding down the tables, we varnished them with paint brushes. The sun today was hot but it was okay because there was a breeze. WE took a break from working and had lunch. For lunch, we ate grilled chicken and rice and beans Frijoles con arroz is one of my favorite dishes, I have it several times a week at home. After eating, we sat in the shade for a while and talked. Once rested, we painted a classroom. At the end of the day, my clothes were messy, but I think that’s just a sign that I worked hard and had fun. Tomorrow will be even better.
Pura vida!
Today my group (Group #2) and I went to the school and community of La Lucha. Once we arrived, we were welcomed with the energetic faces of the children and teachers. Our first task was to sand down benches and then varnish them. The children from the school were a great help with the sanding part and I really enjoyed speaking in Spanish with them. After this, we had a great lunch followed by some games that really built teamwork. Then, it was time for task #2 where we had to paint a classroom. It was a long day, however, it was very fund and if felt great to know that I’m helping to better the community’s school.
Pura vida!
Grupo #3
Today I went white water rafting for the first time and it was awesome. The course was fun and I wasn’t expecting it to last for four hours but I loved every minute. There are five levels of rapids and we were able to raft across rapids up to level four. My favorite part about rafting was probably the scenery. I saw huts build by the indigenous people, breathtaking waterfalls, and a variety of unique wildlife. However, my favorite part was jumping out of the raft and floating through a canyon. There are no words to properly depict the beauty of that canyon. We drove six hours in total to get to and from the river where we rafted and it was completely worth it. White water rafting in Costa Rica is undoubtedly one of the coolest things I have ever had the opportunity to do.
-Pura vida!
Holly T.
May 26, 2018
Grupo #1
Today we got a little taste of home with our bacon, eggs and toast for breakfast. An early start, we were on our way to Crisley’s dairy, vegetable, fruit, and meat farm to get schooled on the art of cheese making. Lunch was to die for, potatoes, chicken and mm mm vegetables with a side of sugar cane, it really hit the spot. Pigs and cows, so fat that they couldn’t see their own toes, paced farmer Crisley’s land and mooed us goodbye as we were off to zip lining. 700 feet up, half a mile across and a view like no other, these zip lines were no joke. A quick safety speech and we’re up in the air like birds without wings and a death wish. Those who get fazed by altitude were in for a nice adrenaline surprise, standing in the side of stunning Volcano Arenal realizing what they had got themselves in to. We sent it, even tho I personally was getting chirped about my fear of heights. Dinner was a feast of chicken, yucca, and vegetables and we had a super cool dance class on Latin Costa Rican dances. The day was just another great experience with our buds and is now coming to an end as I sauce the pen and paper on the ground. Peace out!
-Noah B. and José A.P.
Grupo #2
T0day we went back to La Lucha school. We had started to paint the classroom so today we went and finished it up. Then, we started on the next classroom. We painted the next classroom, finished it, then we cleaned it all up. Then, we did a final sweep and left to head back home.
– Kyler D.
We went back to La Escuela La Lucha and two groups went to finish painting each classrooms because the old paint was falling apart. No hard working student who wants to learn deserves to work in that environment. When we finished, we put the classroom back together. We had a reflection activity when we came back from the lodge .
– Henry M.
Grupo #3
First we started working on sanding chairs, building the fence and painting. It was hard work but fun, and I felt I had accomplished big things by the end. After we played football but my team did not win, although it was great fun. Next we went to the other groups hotel and Randall taught us salsa dancing. It was so fun! I loved learning a new dance and everyone enjoyed it. (Randall was an amazing dancer.) After we had a great dinner and went home.
-Lola S.
May 27, 2018
Grupo #1
Today was a hugely memorable day for us. Visiting the school we had previously worked at, La Lucha, was heartwarming. As a group, it was reassuring to see the progress we had made and the outcome of the school. More specifically, the desks we had sanded and the walls we had painted. It became clear to the whole group how much these little tasks impacted the community. We knew that the children would be extremely happy to come to school on Monday and have a completely different experience while learning. However, we all came to realize how lucky we were to already have the things that made these kids so excited.
As the day progressed, the group became closer and closer. The Assassin Game was getting very intense and we were all interacting with new people we probably wouldn’t have interacted with otherwise. A lot of memories were made. It was a day full of laughter and thankfulness. The group had become a completely safe place full of friendship and support. It is amazing to see that what started as just a service trip for some, has turned into a beneficial experience from all aspects.
Pura Vida!
Mia V. and Zara W.
Grupo # 3
Today for the second time we went to the community center that is across from the school, El Futuro. We kept working on sanding down the chairs and started sanding down the tables. We also pulled the nails and staples out of the tables for the people to sand them. When it came to lunch we stopped working and sat down to eat. The food was so good. We had refried beans, rice, plantain chips, and noodles with vegetables and chicken. Right after lunch Randall came with ice cream pops for everyone. They were so good and it was nice to have a treat. After we ate our ice cream pops some people started showing up to play football with us. We made teams and were introduced to the people who came to play with us. We played the football match and it was really fun to see the other people playing and what technics or skills they used. The foot ball game went on for a while but once it ended everyone from our group came inside and we just talked to each other. Sooner or later the bus came and we went back to the hotel. That’s all for today,
Pura vida!
Ciara B.
May 28, 2018
Grupo #1
This is the last full day of the trip! It has probably been one of the best school trips I personally have been on. I am very thankful to my parents for allowing me to go on this trip. For the teachers for organizing the trip. Finally, for Michelle showing us around Costa Rica and being a great translator. Thanks to Global Works for giving us this wonderful opportunity!
Pura Vida!
Caylem H.
Grupo #3
Today the we went on a hike through the forest with all three groups. They were greeted by many different species of animals, and the students thought it was amazing. Group 3 then proceeded to have lunch in the community at la Lucha; as a thanks for all the work we did on and at the school. After lunch we started the drive towards our final hotel. We stopped at a souvenir shop and the kids bought souvenirs. After, All three groups met up again to have a final dinner together.
Pura vida!
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