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Costa Rica Intro to Pre Med & Public Health, Session 2 2024

July 15, 2024

Hey guys! We’ve had a dramatic 24 hours here in Costa Rica.

Welcome to our first blog post. Many of us started our days arriving at the hotel around 3AM, but we persevered and were able to get some shut eye. We started our day a little later, around 9AM, with a nice, traditional Costa Rican breakfast. We then went over some of our community guidelines and did some group bonding!

A little later, we took a bus to a couple parks, divided into groups and did a scavenger hunt (winners TBD, we’ll keep you posted). Due to the nature of some of the questions, we had to ask the locals in the area in broken Spanish for answers (eek)! Then we hopped on the bus again, listened to some tunes and headed to a little mall for some delicious (much needed) lunch.

After lunch, we took a half hour break and let off some steam at the playground! We may have gotten yelled at to get off of the rope bridge but that didn’t stop us! Then we made our way back to the hotel, where we listened to some music and hung out by the pool where we played volleyball. Then we had a 2 hour debrief on the Costa Rican Healthcare system, and what our clinical rotations will look like. It got us so excited about the weeks to come!

We ventured outside to look at the sunset, played some card games, and finally, had some delicious dinner. We ended our night with a quick recap of what tomorrow will look like, and are off to play some pool! This is such a great group, and we can’t wait for the upcoming weeks!

Good night & PURA VIDA. We love you.

A-Z (Amelia and Zaeva)

July 16, 2024

We already knew this, but Costa Rica es muy bueno. Day 2 was a hit, maybe more of a splash, as we went white water rafting and narrowly escaped from the wrath of the rapids.

We started off the day with a delicious pancake breakfast then packed up for a day of adventures. Some were more ready to leave than others, such as some pupils who were on the bus while others (Asher) were playing billiards IN PAJAMAS (he still won though).

The billiards game finished and the competitors were distraught to find that they were running late to the bus, but the gang rallied and made it out of the Brillasol Hotel.

We embarked on a long 2 hour bus ride filled with some quite fascinating karaoke and some sleeping. Needless to say the two did not mix well. Fortunately the long wait was worth it as we geared up in sunscreen and life jackets and set sail for the rapids of Costa Rica.

After many counts of “one, two” we paddled forth and made it through the river and were able to float on our life jackets and follow the stream like the tilapia fish some of us had for dinner last night. After a couple fallen sailors we eventually made it to the end: happy, wet, and tanned. After that we boarded the bus once again heading for food.

We arrived at lunch and were astonished to find rice and beans on our plates. We devoured the food, changed into some drier clothes, and drove to the next destination, a wonderful farm. After getting settled in we all had a comfortable afternoon, started with plenty of free time, filled with naps, movies, and rain. At 19:00 we ate our delectable meals with lovely home-cooked rice, plantain chips, and jello. But the adventures of the day are yet to come to a halt.

We had an evening performance of talented Costa Rican dancers performing a traditional dance. We were also presented with one last surprise of the day: one of the farms pigs was actively giving birth to not one, not two, but 12 PIGLETS. We got to hold some of the newborns namely Diego, the cutest little piggy that ever existed (not to pick favorites or anything), but unfortunately one piglet didn’t make it, and we are all deeply saddened. Luckily the other were healthy and soft as a baby’s butt. We departed for some free time then fell into a deep slumber to rest up for the coming adventures.

We appreciate you for tuning in to “Blogging con los Hermanos” and hope you continue to follow our adventures. Goodnight and PURA VIDA! We love you.

-Asher and Ryan

July 17, 2024

Welcome back, it’s us from Costa Rica! We had a super fun first day at the finca. We woke up bright and early this morning to milk one of the cows on the property for breakfast. At breakfast we had fresh yogurt, cereal , beans and rice, and eggs.

After breakfast we had some downtime before meeting back up in the kitchen to listen to a presentation about the origins of the farm. Crisley talked about how they made and came to sell their cheese, and the struggles of establishing a business. Some of the students did a really great job translating the story!

After listening to the speech about the farms beginning, we took a tour of the farm’s plants, animals, and structures. We finished up the tour just in time for lunch where we had a delicious meal of fried fish, beans, and mixed greens prepared by the farm’s staff.

After lunch we met up in the outdoor patio to have our first lesson in CPR and wilderness first aid training. We received both hands on and virtual presentations about wilderness first aid after which we participated in real life scenarios, and put our knowledge to the test. We students had fun playing as both victims and first responders. Us and our peers’ acting skills really came out when we had to act out lost limbs, bee stings, and other scenarios.

After a long day of training we got to enjoy the pool on the property. It was very refreshing, and we enjoyed playing volleyball and other pool games. Once everyone showered and washed up it was dinner time. At dinner we were randomly paired with another student, which we ate dinner with and asked questions to get to know each other better.

Lastly, before turning in for the night we went on a quick nature walk through the farm. We saw many toads and frogs, such as strawberry poison dart frogs and tree frogs. We also learned the different between the two amphibians.

Good night & PURA VIDA. We love you.

Haley and Zoey

July 18, 2024

PANCAKES FOR BREAKFAST!! Our alarms went off at 6:20 a.m. However, we didn’t get up until 7:04. It’s summer vacation so the words “on time” don’t carry any weight. After waking up, we ate pancakes with eggs and maple syrup. And as one could guess, they were delicioso.

After breakfast, we went to school. Not an actual school, but if we have to sit for 8 hours and take notes, it feels like school to me. Without the sweat dripping down our backs from the heat and humidity of Costa Rica, it was pretty fun. I enjoyed acting as a victim because it can be pretty stressful as a rescuer with all of the steps you have to memorize in order to treat your patients. Por otro lado, as a victim, all you have to do is lay on the ground and scream.

But everything worked out as in the end, we were served the juiciest and sweetest pineapple the we have ever had. After returning to our training which continued for another few hours, we took a break for a well-deserved lunch. Lunch was my favorite meal of the entire trip (so far). We ate nachos with pico de gallo, chicken, lettuce, and fresh homemade cheese. The rest of the training was applying splints across different areas of our bodies. I definitely believe that I can now treat most broken bones; however, that might be my overconfidence speaking. After training, we went into our air-conditioned rooms for a relaxing intermission before an intense dance class.

We learned Bachata, Salsa, and Merengue first in a group and then in partners. The instructor was a very talented dancer and I on the other hand, took my sweet time learning the dances. But I think I will just blame it on the heat.

Some of us took a night swim in the pool to cool off after dancing. I didn’t swim, but I can assume the pool was freezing. We ate shortly after, consuming steak, rice, and salad. The meat was delicious but I wonder where it came from. I mean we are on a farm.

We have to be in bed by 10 p.m. and turn our lights off by 11 so I am going to wrap this blog up!

Good night & PURA VIDA! Nosotros los amamos! And don’t let the mosquitoes bite!

-Leo & Jake

July 19, 2024

We started the day with hearty breakfast of eggs, ham, toast and fruit. After breakfast the group gathered in the outdoor classroom and we learned how to treat wounds caused by natural disasters. We then studied the physical and psychological effects of tropical insects and reptiles.

After a quick a break, we took our written first aid assessment. Although we were anxious about the test, we later learned we had all passed. After the written test we simulated treating multiple patients who had suffered the effects of a lighting strike. Some patients had minor injuries like small gashes and sprains, while others suffered from serious muscle and spinal trauma.

After a delicious lunch that consisted of chicken, plantains, rice and beans, we started our trek to the Sky zipline center that overlooks the Arenal Volcano. When we arrived, we were suited in helmets and safety harnesses. After a quick demonstration, we leaped off platforms high in the jungle overhang and flew from mountain top to mountain top.

We saw beautiful views of the lake and volcano and we even spotted sloths and monkeys frolicking in the trees. After our ziplining adventure, we headed down the mountain to the quaint town of La Fortuna, where we spent a brief time shopping in local stores and trying snacks from street vendors. We were able to choose between pizza, sushi, salads, and burgers which we all enjoyed.

After a decadent meal, we danced the night away to a live band that played American and Spanish hits. After a short bus ride to the farm we were greeted with a performance from a local musician that we all enjoyed. Then we all slowly drifted off to sleep to the sound of tropical birds and rain on the tin roof. PURA VIDA!!! We love you all!!!

-Perrin and Kyle

July 20, 2024

The sliver of light shone through our bedroom window as we awoke to the beautiful sounds of farm life. Excited to try the traditional Costa Rican breakfast of arroz, frijoles, y plántanos, we scrambled out of bed eager to satiate our grumbling stomachs.

Once bags were packed and our goodbyes to our gracious hosts had been said, we embarked on our next adventure, a tour of a local chocolate factory. After sampling a traditional Costa Rican cacao bean drink, we ground fermented cacao beans into fine paste in preparation for the next step in chocolate making process.

The guides then gave us the opportunity to create our own little turtle chocolates. While we waited for the chocolates to solidify, we cooled down with freshly squeezed sugar cane juice with a dash of lime and star fruit. The tour guide then begin our adventured through the luscious forest, enlightening us about the sustainable farming practices in Costa Rica and beyond.

After the tour, we went to try our homemade chocolates and brought some for our families back home. The bus ride to our next hotel was long but we entertained ourselves with games and chatting with some breaks along the way for souvenir shopping. Half way through we arrived to our lunch spot, where we indulged in a delicious feast of stuffed tortillas and soursop smoothies. Finally we arrived at hotel Brillasol where we settled in, excited for the coming days of medical experiences.

Peace out homies 🤪😝✌️

-Shayla (Houston girly) and Lylah (City girly)

July 21, 2024

Today we started off our morning, bright and early with a 8am breakfast! It was the same as usual, rice and beans. Then we practiced injections on oranges, and sutures on bananas.

After a delicious lunch, we got certified in psychological first aid. First we got an informational presentation, then we got to practice the new skills we learned in fake scenarios! After we all got ready and headed to the pool!

We played volleyball and played games in the pool. We were all hanging out and we met three other younger kids who were staying at the hotel too, and played with them. We continued the afternoon with VERY competitive games of pool in the hangout room.

We had a yummy pasta dinner and finished the night with jeopardy! So (drumroll please)… the Costa to Coast team (Zoey, Ryan, Mihir, Perrin, and GG) gets to have 1st pick of their rooms at the villa! Good night and PURA VIDA. We love you!

Ada and Zaeva

July 22, 2024

Welcome to a slice of paradise where the dawn unfolds and we experience tropical warmth and air filled with the promise of new adventures. From the moment we woke up at the bright hour of 6am we were excited to wake up off the pura vida. During week 2 we realized it’s not only a saying here.

The bus arrived and we embarked on our Journey. The first day was a whirlwind of emotions and activities. We started early preparing our stations and getting to know the local healthcare profesionals who have been integral to the organization’s mission. Despite the language barrier for some of us the universal language of kindness bridged the gaps that we have.

We were split into two groups: those at the mobile clinic and others at the stationary clinic. Throughout the day we saw patients with a variety of medical needs from basic checks ups to thosd managing chronic conditions. Each Interaction was a reminder of why we’re here… to make a tangible difference in people’s lives even if for just a moment. To give a break down of the rotations from the clinic, there were 4 main stations:pharmacy, waiting room, shadowing the doctor and health promotion.

As the clock struck we gathered for a team lunch where we indulged in a tasty costa rican dish: empanadas with cabbage, beans, cheese and some people even added ketchup. After we all ate this delicious meal we started to work on mental health promotion presentations. We are going to inform the children about their feelings and how to manage it. We combined our skills such as drawing and acting to get through to them in a fun way.

On our way back to the hotel we made a must needed stop at super mercado to pick up some essentials and snacks. We spent so much time rummaging the walks of the market and even saw some amazing views of the mountains in the parking lot. When we got back to the hotel we ended the night by eating burgers and fries so we could get a taste of home

Till next time, signing out!

Kamora& Kaylah!

July 24, 2024

Knock knock who is it?? Costa Rica!

Good day or good morning or good afternon to whoever is reading this. It’s GG (Gervonna) here. Today is Wednesday, July 24th.

We first started with breakfast. I felt the hot steam of the eggs on my glasses and could smell the cilantro infused rice. There was juice made of fresh fruit picked from the trees.

We start our day by putting on our scrubs. Some like me wore pink, because on Wednesdays we wear pink!! But most of the group had on dark or light blue. We all looked like characters on Grey’s Anatomy.

Next was the rush on the bus. We all ran to the bus ready to start our next day at the clinics via the hour bus ride. There was the smell of Costa Rican air as the rumbling of the bus helped me go to sleep. Others were playing games.. voices spreading around the bus before it stops and we come to a halt.

We’re at FIMRIC clinic as voices spread around the room, eager to see who’s going to the moblie clinic and who is going to stay at the main one. Half of the group rushes back onto the bus for the mobile clinic with suitcases filled with medicine and other medical stuff. We drove about 5 minutes away.

The soup kitchen had kids and some adults in their traditional outfits as they were taking pictures for the holiday on July 25th named Anexion del Partido de Nicoya. We got to see all their beautiful and handsome faces.

As the day went on from around 10-11:45 I worked with Kaylah, Leo, Mira, and Asher while Kamora, Jake, and Shayla were on pharmacy duty. Others including Kennedy, Lylah, and Jun were all in with the doctor.

As people started to come in, I took the 3rd patient telling them things like necesito tomar su presion (I need to take your blood pressure) or even necesito tomar su tempura (I am going to take your temperature) and also asking for height and weight. We got to hug some of the kids and also got to play with them.

It’s around 1 pm now and we were off to lunch. First, we boarded the bus again for a 2 minute ride as we made it back to the clinic we were as ecstatic as ever. We made our own tostados with beans, cheese, chicken, beef as well as guacamole if you are a vegetarian. You can’t forget to put mayo and ketchup to give it a little tang as with the rest of our day at the clinic it was fun as we made posters and presentations for the holiday ahead.

As the pit pats of the rain tap the windows on the bus we are getting ready to go to Walmart for a. shopping spree. We all picked up some random stuff so Courtney, Chalo, and Marcela could plan for Kenji’s hush hush party. They were getting cake, snacks, and even a piñata. We leave Walmart to get back on the bus we see how much everyone has spent as we plan for the 50 minute drive back you cab hear the snapping and crunching of chip bags ,candy and the donuts and cake moving on the bus while also making our dinner order (I had honey bbq wings).

As we settle in getting back to the hotel we started to plan for kenjis surprise party. We were blowing up balloons. At 8:00 as we finished eating our Wings, chicken, rice, and burgers as we gathered and got ready to surprise him in the pool room. We ended early lights out at 10 pm to get up at 7 am for our last clinic day. This Is GG signing out as we say good bye in América but pura vida to tomorrow in Costa Rica!


July 25, 2024

Hiyaaa!!! Our day was filled with heart racing self defense classes, adorable children, and exhausting manual labor.

We woke up bright and early and enjoyed a very American breakfast filled with pancakes, eggs, sausage and cinnamon rolls (a welcome break from the usual pinto gallo). After we were full we downed a few Red Bulls and got on the bus. Albeit we were almost 20 minutes late (sorry counselors), we got to the clinic relatively on time.

Today we did something a little different in order to celebrate the Día del Anexion de Guanacaste. This is a holiday in which Guanacaste became the seventh province in Costa Rica.

In order to celebrate, we decided to go and clean up a local public park. After raking our hearts out and removing objects such as sharp glass we sat back and played on the seesaw for a bit. We headed back to have lunch at the clinic. When we were all done we went back to the park. This time with the women and children from a group called Mujeres Valientes (Brave Women). A lot of the women in this group have experienced verbal and physical abuse. We were lucky enough to get to spend the day with them and their children and even got to teach them about different emotions.

We taught the about sadness, anxiety, and fear. Through very dramatic skits and almost completely broken Spanish. After our presentation we had an exuberant dance competition. Asher was dropping it like it’s hot and Kyle, well… he did that. We were able to play a few more games with the women and children before we headed back to the hotel. When we got back we went straight into a Tae Kwon Do lesson.

We had to center our minds and engage our core to learn how to best defend ourselves when leaving is not an option. We were able to learn three escape techniques. 1. Kick someone in the genitals, 2. Kick them at a 45 degree angle directly at the knee, and 3. How to get out of a chokehold.

We were completely exhausted and ultimately, ended the day with dinner and a twinge of dread for the six hour travel day that awaits us tomorrow. Good night and PURA VIDA. We love you!!!!!!

By Kennedy and Kenji

July 26, 2024

Coming soon!

July 27, 2024


BUENOS DIAS AMIGOS/AMIGAS. I welcome all who read this a wonderful day. Today in this beautiful land of Costa Rica, we woke up at 7:00 to a very nutritious breakfast of gallo pinto (rice and beans), scrambled eggs, pancakes, watermelon, papayas, and pineapple. Boy o boy, we needed this big meal cause today was a very exciting day.


With all our prepared gear of change of clothes and bathing suit, we set off on a tight bus with seats that fit for the number of people left in the group. I was fortunate enough to get a window seat while the ones who came in late had to sit on the foldable chairs that were sceptically half broken. The bus ride was short. After 10 minutes passed, we’ve arrived onto the vibrant, mellow beach. 😀

After proper instruction from the surfing instructors, the 21 of us were separated into 5 groups with one group having an extra person. Once it was finished, off we went! Each and every one of us rode the waves that came by through intervals. As some of us learned the fundamentals of going with the flow, more and more people mastered getting on top of the board and surfed. Leo, the mad lad he is, managed to get ontop of the board more than 10 times! At 10:30, we took a break to rehydrate ourselves and consume some delicious watermelon and pineapple. As hours pass, the more memories we’ve made with one another.

At 12 pm, low tide had arrived along with a ripped current that the councilors recommended us to tell every swimmer not to go to far into the ocean. We managed to tell only our group cause the swimmers outside of our group spoke French. But, it went all well. They eventually realized the danger of going too far into the water and retreated. At around 1, we arrived to a hotel near the beach for lunch that took more than an hour to come. For lunch, we got some decent pasta, tacos, rice and Virgin drinks. The most interesting part of today’s lunch had to be this dog named Jax. This dog was like every dog, but he was quite clingy to our group. We gave him good pats and love but he just kept on coming for me and Kaylah for food. It was alright though, a piece of meat he found on the ground made him super hyper and he just ran around the restaurant as we were preparing to leave.

Onwards! We ventured off onto a new bus that was waaayyyy better than the other ones to yoga. Yoga was awesome. We did many stretches and poses that pushed our bodies to an extent we never knew we were capable of handling. I definitely did all of it wrong because the positions straines my body more than it actually stretched them. Despite that, it was a wonderful experience that many of us look forward to doing again.

Finally, near the end of the day, we had dinner at a Mexican restaurant filled with a common atmosphere one can find in the states and even in Mexico. The food was immaculate I’m telling yall. The fajitas in the restaurant were smoking hot off the grill and served to customers craving for some good meat and veggies. Oh man, even writing this makes my stomach grumble in agony for that smoked tender beef and succulent shrimp. For drinks, we ordered virgin drinks that can make an abolitionist in the 20s reconsider alcohol.

To end the day, the councilors had a fun idea for the whole group. Since tomorrow’s itinerary included waterfall hiking, there needed to be an extra activity to go along with it instead of heading straight back to the hotel. There were 5 groups and each group had to come up with an activity. There were ideas of going to the beach for arts and crafts and picking up trash, snorkling, Each of us came up with ideas that had to revolve around the trip goals, pre med, and the contract of the organization.

-Jun Jie

July 28, 2024

Welcome back to another day in Costa Rica! Today we started our day of bright and early with breakfast at 7:30, then drove into a rainforest where we would go on a small hike. We began our walk at a farm where we picked up young trees and carried them to a planting point. After we planted the trees we continued on our scenic hike to a beautiful waterfall. Once we arrived at the waterfall there were many photos taken, and we were able to swim in the refreshing water.

After the waterfall we hiked back down to the bus, and were taken to a lunch spot. At lunch the winners for the challenge the evening before were, drum roll please… THE ZOO GROUP!

Unfortunately due to logistics we were not able to actually go to the zoo, but that is okay. Apart from the zoo, snorkeling and shopping are also going to be including into tomorrow’s activities. Instead, after lunchtime we drove to a partnering hotel and enjoyed their pool and games, as well as sunbathing and other activities.

We drove back to the hotel where we were able to wash up before we left for dinner. At the chosen restaurant we were able to watch the sunset over the ocean, as well as take many photos.

We are enjoying these last few days together, and are sad that the trip is coming to an end. Good night and PURA VIDA. We love you!!!!!!

-Haley and Zoey